Tuesday, March 18, 2025

DTF Production Systems

DTF Production

The garment decorating industry is at an accelerated pace for new technology and revitalization thru modification of old technology.  DTG launched the POD landscape that is now offered thru all levels of the supply chain.  Behemoth producers like Amazon and small community printers are adding POD tools to their production facilities to meet the consumer demand.  

The presentation of DTF into the production floor is not new, as all facilities have used transfers for decades.  However with the updated digital printing of these transfers this process has shifted many facilities to needing high volume DTF systems to fulfill orders.  

Brown Manufacturing offers 3 options for high speed DTF that will increase the speed of bulk orders with minimal labor costs. 


Level 1

The MasterPress is a base unit that features 2 heat presses and 5 shirt stations.  This allows 2 operators to load, press and peel in a small footprint.  Featuring a simple control panel and independent, adjustable temperature and pressure for the heat presses, this is a lower cost alternative for speed for the bulk DTF production.

Simple 120V power supply and a small air compressor is all this unit requires to quickly become operation in any shop.  Just map out spot on your floor and plug it in.

Level 2

If labor reduction is part of your production requirement, then the need for speed and accessories will move your shop to the next level.  Flexibility in design and additional options will amp up the production and reduce the operation to one person.

This heavy duty press comes with one heat press but has an option for two.  It also has these options:
  • Automatic feed system
  • Automatic peel system
  • DTG pretreat sprayer system
With one press, an auto feeder and an auto peel, the operator is only loading shirts.  With a larger unit, add a 2nd operator and the speed increases with one shirt load person and one shirt unload.  

Level 3

Design your own system for exactly the flexibility your shop needs.  This level allow the system to both DTF and screen print.  Add print heads, loaders, peeler, multiple heat presses, flash units and DTG pretreat sprayers all on the same system.  No matter the job needed, one machine will have the tools.

DTF Print and press
Which one is right for your production needs?  Contact our Brown sales team to plan out your improved production facility or call 616-249-0200 for immediate information.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thank you


To our customers, partners and staff,

For Brown and BrownDigital, 2024 has been full of growth and exciting opportunities. We want to express our deepest gratitude to our amazing staff – your commitment and perseverance have been inspiring. And to our wonderful customers – thank you for your continued support and belief in us and our products. 

The launch of the new BP Series Electraprint was met with enthusiasm from our existing customers and we have added plenty of newcomers to the family as news of this product has spread.  The Brown team looks forward to additional conversations on this 12 Station machine as well as all of the product line.

The partnership with Brother International on the Digital Line DTG production machine has been tremendous.  The challenges of the short learning curve as well as the interaction with new clients has energized the full sales team and driven our design team to think creatively about future possibilities.  This is a joint project that requires the concentration of Brother USA, Brother Japan and BrownDigital to grow it to its fullest capacity.  2025 will be just as exciting.

The expansion of the Brother Digital Line and the general industry-wide growth of digital printing has pushed the BrownDigital Linx team to continually add features to both the web-based and desktop versions of Linx Integrated Product software.  If you have not looked into this barcode driven production tool, we highly recommend you consider it.

All of the items listed above are developed, built, shipped and serviced by our highly capable Brown team.  Whether your business is adding new, expanding for new features, or fixing what is in your shop, the Brown staff has exemplified quality and dedication throughout the process.  Our team does work as a team and these amazing products exist because of them.

So from all of us at Brown to all of you, our customers and partners, we wish you a happy holiday season and look forward to 2025 and all the events yet to come.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Essential tools for POD profitability

Print on Demand is changing the industry

With the rapidly growing demand for individualized prints, social media driven trendy garments and next day delivery, the nimbleness of every garment decorator is being tested.  The advancement of DTG and DTF production technology has improved the response time for web driven orders.  New machinery like the Brother International Digital Line which integrates POD and reduces labor, are becoming more and more essential. A vital issue to stay profitable in this fast changing environment is internal work flow management.  Paper orders on the shop floor have got to go.

DL-2400 Digital Line

BrownDigital Linx Production Software Suite

In a previous blog Linx, we explained how Linx pulls orders directly from web stores and feeds those orders to production machinery with automated tools.  The Linx Software suite has expanded to include cloud based inventory management, purchasing and product creation.  Additional features within this software packages add a depth of resources to the constant changes that occurring in this market space.
  • Product Creator and Product fixer will merge all store products into one application for production an inventory management
  • Build-to-Stock (BTS) pushes stock inventory builds, manages returns for FIFO control, and gives full control to the production manager to keep within seasonal cycles.
  • Order Submission provides an access point for POS
  • Cloud management of floor production
  • Analytics of real-time floor production

Is this only for garment printing?

The answer to that is a firm NO.  POD is a market trend that applies to many products.  Garments are the highest volume however these issues apply to any one-off customized item.  Linx Software suite can connect to laser engravers, sublimation systems, embroidery stations, cutters and plotters and many other tools of the trade.  In addition to garments, the inventory management is open to any base product such as trophies, mugs, plaques, posters and many more.  

Linx Software suite connects to any open API platform.  This includes Etsy, Shopify, Shipstation, Amazon, and many more.  Contact BrownDigital today for additional information of how Linx Software suite can improve your work flow.

Monday, October 7, 2024

ElectraPrint BP introduction

 You asked for a 12 station ElectraPrint!

ElectraPrint BP 10 color 12 station

The ElectrPrint series machines has been a perfect fit for community printers for many years.  Starting with the Junior and the Stealth machines, Brown has delivered low maintenance high quality production machines to shops all over the world.  Many of our customers have requested we expand the line to allow more colors.

The BP series is available in 8, 10 and 12 station machines in both the Junior and the Stealth machine sizes.  This allows for more colors in small spaces, with the Junior.  And for larger prints using the Stealth.

The BP series provides all the features you have come to expect from the ElectraPrint line of machines.    This machine is fully electric with easy to understand controls.  iMade is a standard feature as well as skippy platen sensor and flash ports on every head.  

The LazerLoad feature, the Set-N-Go and the QuartzAir Flash are all available options for this machine as well as a wealth of different platen sizes.  

For more information on how this fits into your production space, contact your Brown Team or give us a call 616-249-0200.

Monday, September 9, 2024

What to see at Printing United 2024

Printing United is the largest US based trade show for our industry.  It is held annually in some fabulous locations.  This year is Las Vegas and that is nothing but fun and excitement.  Everyone knows what the city has in store for them, what what will be on the show floor.  Well, there is plenty of excitement there too.

Brown Manufacturing will be found in 3 locations at this year's event.  Our main booth is SL9130 and will feature the ElectraPrint Junior machine with additional products to support a full printing shop.  We will also be chatting about our new ElectraPrint BP machine which offers up to 10 colors an 12 stations.  Visit us for a full tour of your future print shop.

ElectraPrint Junior
ElectraPrint Junior
ElectraPrint BP
ElectraPrint BP

Right next door is the Linx Control System Integration booth. This is a must have software option for anyone in the Print On Demand or One To One decorating business.  This software pulls orders from your web stores, scales the art for the print location and then pushes them to the needed production area.  All of this is controlled with the use of a bar code.  Additionally, Linx Control System Integration offers cloud based inventory management as well as other tools such as Build-to-Stock. production analytics and PO generation and management.  A very powerful tool for DTG, DTF and many other decorated items.

Linx Control System Integration

BrownDigital will also be represented at the Hirsch booth SL10076. Hirsch is a long standing partner with Brown and BrownDigital with their representation of the Dragon line of DTG curing systems.  Ask them about the Dragon Knight, a small space curing unit for one or two DTG printers, or the Dragon Fire which will accommodate 3-4 DTG units.  Both of these units will cure either pretreat or ink.

The final booth to see BrownDigital is very exciting.  Located in the Brother International booth SL8066 is the Digital Line product.  This is a single operator, full production DTG machine.  Designed for high volume of long run or 1-to-1 printing, this system reduces labor hours an increases product quality.  You will also see the FireFly curing system.  This patented curing conveyor has unique properties for high volume production.


Digital Line

We invite you to visit all of these booths and see how Brown and BrownDigital can improve your production line and your bottom line.

And while you are in Vegas... have some fun.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Thank you for an outstanding 2023

 2023 has been an amazing year of expansion and growth.  Brown and BrownDigital have expanded in personnel, product lines and facilities and we are already busting at the seams.

In the summer we added a Crown to our life.  A building on Crown anyway.  This doubled our production space and allowed for larger projects to expand.  Our staff was thrilled with having more room to work in and spaces they could call their own.  This building added 3 overhead loading doors, 4 docks and way too many offices.  

The Brown product line expanded into their space with the ability to put up many machines at the same time which allows for additional testing and product development.  Yes, there are some cool new features in the works.  It also allowed for the development of a larger ElectraPrint machine that should be introduced in 2024.  The other feature that has sparked the growth of our Brown business is custom colors.  Our local high school is all blue and orange.  Go Rockets!

BrownDigital software developed many additions to the Linx suite.  Inventory, product fixers, purchasing as well as new connections to other platforms.  The diversity of this product line gives solutions to most POD production issues and it applies to a diverse area of application.  That software team has been gettin' it done.

The BrownDigital machine team is amazing.  The flagship FireFly product line has bloomed to a myriad of applications.  From the initial design of individualized curing, this has transitioned into a workhorse for applications from screen print to pretreat to DTG to wide format.  The diversity of possibilities is very exciting.  The Digital Line product for Brother International has opened additional opportunities for the FireFly and all the components involved.  

What is so interesting about our new facility is that it has allowed for bigger items to spread their wings and for the Brown staff to take ownership of specific products and make that section of the building all their own.  Our software team developed an internal Linx IC that has allowed for easy communication and information sharing within all facilities and our partners.  We expect that software to broaden our reach for direct contact with our customer.

Thank you for your investment into Brown and BrownDigital in 2023.  All of these changes excite us to create new products, adjust existing ones and grow into new areas.  We are excited about 2024 and what that will bring.  

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Cleanliness is the first maintenance task for every machine

Our service department often is asked what the maintenance requirements are for any and all of the machinery we manufacture.  We appreciate machine owner's desire to keep their investment in peak condition for maximum production and long life.  For some of our products, the maintenance list is quite low as are the suggested stocking parts.  However, as the complication of the machine increases so does the upkeep. 

Many long standing customers will brag that they have kept their machines in proper working condition for 20+ years.  While this is a testament to the design and durability of these machines it is also a good determinate of the condition of the shop.  Well maintained, but could use some updating. So, as we do appreciate the compliments and understand the owners pride of ownership, there is benefit from keeping updated tools in your shop.

Returning to the question of maintenance requirements, as machines increase in complexity the list of daily, weekly, monthly and bi-annual tasks gets longer.  These tasks will be noted in the manual that is provided with the equipment.  If the machine is equipped with computers, then maintenance tasks are available within the software and reminders for mechanical maintenance can be preset.  The use of this software feature is very helpful in managing all of the essential tasks.  Some customers use this software to schedule additional tasks within the production floor for non-computer driven devices.

The number one maintenance task for any production floor is cleanliness.  

Textile decoration as an industry is inherently dirty.  The lint from fabric floats through everything and the production processes typically require liquids that are sticky.  So lint and fibers will get stuck to everything.  The lint will also adhere to any greased or lubricated surface of a machine.  And it will get pulled into fans, fan belts and chain drive systems.  So let's see chat about havoc that can create.

  • Electronics will overheat and malfunction due to clogged fans
  • Electronic connections will degrade due to lint interference 
  • Lubricated surfaces which allow for smooth machine movement will get clogged, affecting print quality and machine operation
  • Conveyor belts will wear faster and will transfer dirt and debris onto the final product
  • Registration and indexing systems will become inconsistent due to dirt and debris and this will affect registration
  • And machinery aside, what employee wants to work in a dirty shop.  And employees are a production floors most expensive and important asset.

How clean do we suggest?  Lint free is the key.

How do you  keep a garment decorating shop lint free.  You do it by making cleanliness a top priority on the floor.  Cleanliness makes for happier employees and fewer shut downs which will increase production and profits.

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Let's start with the simplest items, fan filters.  These are designed for easy on/off.  And they are used to keep the electronic cabinet fans clear of debris so that they can move cool air across the electronic components.

Then we can move to the fans.  Whether in the control cabinets or used to move air in and out of a curing chamber, they are essential to the design and function of your equipment.

Now what does all this do to internal components?  Electronic components shut down when they are too hot.  Being covered with lint will cause this.  Relays will fail, switches will stop communicating and thermal cameras will shut down.  Production stops.

What about the chassis and the mechanical items.  They appear to be pushing through but are they?  Or are you setting them up to fail?  And there are no GOODs here.  Seriously, yuck.

And what employee wants to touch these?  And if they do, how do they touch fresh garments and ship them completely clean?  

Ok, we think we have made the issue clear.

So this week, at the end of a work day, pick something and clean it.  Start with wiping down the outside, both the controls and the chassis.  Then get a vacuum and clean out the internal controls.  The whole job should take 20 minutes.  Then another day, pick another machine.  Go through the whole shop and clean everything.

Next time we will chat about those preset maintenance items available in your software.