On a regular basis we take machinery in on trade. Many customers want new machines because they outgrow or are expanding. Many, like new car owners, prefer not to spend time on repairs. The opportunity this presents to others is the availability of quality merchandise at lower prices. Some of the machines we receive are in perfect condition, like the one in the photo. Many are pretty rough. However, all of them are checked over by our staff and are fully functional.
What does fully functional mean?

For printers, registration is the key. We repair any registration issues with the print heads and registration gates. We make sure that any micro registration on the press is moving freely and holds firm in the final location. We replace any damaged parts such as platens and knobs and we grease all the moving parts for ease of use.
What do we not do?

So what do we have?
The inventory of reconditioned machinery is very fluid. We receive items every time our trucks go on installations and we sell items every day. Our web site is updated on a regular basis when new items arrive. Check out the list. If you see something interesting, give us a a call.